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Discobedience | Buckingham Palace | September 2020 | Extinction Rebellion UK
Extinction Rebellion activists vandalise Buckingham Palace fountains with red dye
Activists linked to Extinction Rebellion cover Buckingham Palace fountain in fake BLOOD
XR Grandparents Pay a Visit to Buckingham Palace | Extinction Rebellion
September Rebellion 2020 - Our Story | Extinction Rebellion UK
Channel 4 News | 1 September 2020 | Extinction Rebellion UK
Extinction Rebellion Pensioner Superglues Herself to Buckingham Palace Railings
Extinction Rebellion Block Roads and March on Buckingham Palace
BBC London Evening News | 5 September 2020 | Extinction Rebellion UK
Scuffles in London as Extinction Rebellion dragged away by cops
BBC London News | 1 September 2020 | Extinction Rebellion UK
Extinction Rebellion Families - BeehiveBaby Action - Buckingham Palace London